This issue : NewSpace • Launchers • Satellites • Nuclear Propulsion
The space theme underscores two fundamental realities of industrial innovation today. Firstly, scientific knowledge is back and is more necessary than ever to establish a market position that is competitive on the long term. Secondly, to innovate, you need a systemic vision. The times are over when everyone could build his technological brick in isolation. This is why PRESANS works increasingly on crafting communities of interest based on breakthrough themes. Let us know what themes concern you, and let us together construct the industrial synergies these themes call for!
Albert Meige, CEO & Enchanteur @ Presans
SYNERGY FACTORY : a new open innovation shared service for industrial companies (between 3 and 5), that maximizes the effectiveness of prospective research. Several companies have already started to make profitable use of this system, which delivers considerable benefits (cost mutualisation, risk mitigation and speed.)
Do you want to know more about this ?
The renewal of the space sector is driven by technological innovations, by geopolitical rivalries, but also by philosophical questions. What is the ideal that motivates NewSpace?
Five quick insights on reusable launchers |
Reusable launches are already an operational technology. This technology however requires further developments and still raises many questions.
Five quick insights on telecommunication satellites
Satellites are one of the main vectors of new communication technologies. This review provides a recap of the issues involved by these critical pieces of infrastructure.
Five insights on nuclear space propulsion |
Nuclear propulsion systems are being studies by several great powers. What are the characteristics of these systems, and what are their main use cases?
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Latest trends in innovation management
In this book, the authors provide an up-to-date overview of the latest trends in innovation management. Innovation Intelligence has been ranked #2 on Amazon in the innovation category.