October 2022


This issue: The Metaverse, beyond fantasy


You may have heard about the Metaverse for the first time a few months ago. However, the concept is over 40 years old! You may not believe in the Metaverse. Yet the Metaverse is the future version of the Internet. An Internet that will have new properties. Whatever beliefs and other fantasies around the Metaverse, two things are certain: First, the market is huge, with opportunities starting today. Second, several critical uncertainties can lead to future scenarios that are very different from each other… The question, how to grasp them?

Darko Jesic, COO @ Presans


The Metaverse, beyond fantasy


The Metaverse is the future of the internet, and is poised to transform online usage and business models in the same way that the smartphone revolutionized the web. In the Metaverse, Beyond Fantasy, the Arthur D. Little Blue Shift Institute takes an in-depth look at the use cases and technologies behind it.


Executive Metaverse Breakfast


The ADL Paris office is organising in November an Executive Breakfast on Metaverse. Please complete this form if you would be interested in receiving an invitation (upon available seats).


Metaverse: The next digital revolution for business


The metaverse is one of the most hyped topics in the business world at the moment. So, what are likely to be some of the opportunities for business, beyond the obvious areas of gaming and entertainment?


Metaverse : univers virtuel pour une nouvelle économie bien réelle


Dans cet article que nous avons publié dans Harvard Business Review France, nous décryptons les trois ingrédients convergents qui mènent au Metaverse.




IMAgine Day - Exploration in metaverses and Web3, use cases and feedback


On 12th of October IMA organises the event with the aim to explore the different Metaverse through emblematic use cases of several major accounts that have launched B2C, B2C, industrial and academic initiatives in the Metaverse. A complete panorama to better understand the Metaverse and define your strategy in the virtual world!


Whitepaper: Experts Create Problems


In this Whitepaper, we uncover and describe :

  • Three distinct species of experts;
  • Essential skills of experts;
  • How companies can better leverage experts.

Presans: top talents and experts. All over the world. On request.


Take advantage of our vast network of more than 6M talents, experts and technologists and meet the most complex industrial challenges! Technological problem solving, strategic decision support.... Overcome these obstacles one by one with our services!

For more information, visit our website.


Latest trends in innovation management


In this book, the authors provide an up-to-date overview of the latest trends in innovation management. Innovation Intelligence has been ranked #2 on Amazon in the innovation category.
