Innovation in tomorrow’s new world
Sabine Klauke & Hervé Gilibert | September 10th, 2020

Innovation in tomorrow’s new world
We have a very special back to reality episode of the ongoing We Are Resilient webinar series coming together for you on the 10th of September: Sabine Klauke of Airbus, Hervé Gilibert of ArianeGroup, Vincent Bamberger of Arthur D. Little, and Albert Meige of Presans will be joining forces to tackle the most pressing questions faced by industrial innovation players in the aftermath of the COVID-19 crisis.
Our short 60 minutes webinar will address key questions including:
• How should R&D participate in the “recovery” phase, especially breakthrough innovation ?
• Will roadmaps evolve and how?
• Have certain managerial or organizational practices appeared and will they continue?
• What changes need to be made to be more competitive?