Call for Expertise

We inject on-demand high-level expertise into any industrial innovation project

Open Problem Solving® (OPS)

Crack technological problems. Faster.

Open Problem Solving allows you to augment your internal teams and to rapidly solve technological problems for a quicker time-to-market by leveraging a network of 6+ million experts. Open Problem Solving improves your ROI on research & innovation.

Why should I use OPS

  • I need to rapidly bring new products or services on the market.
  • My company or my team is facing a technological problem related to innovation or R&D.
  • I am stuck or I need to go faster.


  • Dissect the problem: make it broader, segment it or shift perspective.
  • Solve the problem: get new concepts or solution proposals (for example a list of patentable molecules, or an ad hoc experimental setup to implement).
  • Leverage insights: Presans’ team helps you leverage knowledge delivered by the experts.

Open State of the Art® (OSA)

Leverage global knowledge.

Open State of the Art allows you to get an up-to-date overview of a field of knowledge, science or technology by leveraging a network of 6+ million experts and by offering various levels of coverage, depth and customization to best match your needs and budget. Open State of the Art accelerates your external knowledge access and internal integration.

Why should I use OSA

  • I need to acquire knowledge in an unknown domain of science or technology.
  • I need to update my knowledge in a field of science or technology.
  • I need to challenge my team and identify potential gaps.


  • Augment internal knowledge.
  • Build a panoramic overview (technology, maturity, trends etc.).
  • Connect with the key players.

Innovation Strategic Guidance® (ISG)
Challenge and enable corporate strategy. Wide Open.

Innovation Strategic Guidance allows you to get top-notch recommendations either to challenge or to implement your innovation strategy by leveraging a network of 6+ million experts. Innovation Strategic Guidance mitigates risks and accelerates delivery.

Why should I use ISG

  • I need to feed or challenge the strategy of my company given certain technological enablers.
  • I need to evaluate or develop possible technological enablers to implement the strategy of my company


  • Build a panoramic overview: technology, maturity, trends, user practices, business models etc.
  • Get recommendations to challenge or enable your corporate strategy from a technological perspective.
  • Get a vision of who does what at a global level.

Talent & Partner Sourcing® (TPS)

Strategy-driven access to world class talents & partners.

Talent & Partner Sourcing allows you to engage top-level talents and partners by leveraging a worldwide network of 6+ million experts. Talent & Partner Sourcing makes you switch from an alumni-driven approach to a strategy-driven approach.

Why should I use TPS

  • I need to explore new business territories.
  • I need to augment internal R&D resources.
  • I need to improve my industrial processes.


  • Design a new organization.
  • Define ideal profiles.
  • Map & qualify areas of expertise.
  • Source & engage hard-to-reach talents.


Strategy-driven access to world class talents & partners.


Your technical need is crystallized to inspire the best (and sometimes least expected) answer from our team, fellows, and network of experts.


We source, qualify, engage hard-to-reach experts. Our approach to expert hunting maximizes both relevance and cross-field fertilization.


The selected experts, coached by our Fellow, prepare a report with the answers to your need.

Calls for Expertise allow in depth expertise. Typical duration is about 3 months. Our team of Fellows operate the platform for you.

“I would recommend launching a call for expertise with Presans when a bundle of questions related to a domain outside of the company’s knowledge core emerges, and when there is insufficient knowledge inside the company to be able to interact directly with an expert. The speed and efficiency gain is real.”

Frédéric Charon, Manager of Group Technology Strategy

“The task was to gain prospective insights on an upstream domain, in order to deliver a decision aid to our operational teams.”

Artem Khlebnikov, Director of strategic partnerships

“This project enabled real advances and opened new, unknown territory, while allowing us to save a considerable amount of time.”

Julie Prevost, Project Manager

“Presans and its network of experts have brought great added value to our knowledge of complex systems. The project allowed me to build on my skills and to orient our research on complexity.”

Rémy Dayre, Flight Control System Design Expert

“We were fully satisfied with this experience, both at the human level and in terms of results, with a significant return on investment.”

Olivier Lodého, Technology Development Manager

Synergy Factory

We create on-demand multicorporate & multiexpertise task forces. For innovation & Intelligence.

Mitigate the risk associated with a technological innovation decision.

Build & rationalize an external ecosystem for innovation.

Build a community of interest while accessing top-notch intelligence.

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Lateral Expertise Approach

Founded in 2010, Presans is today the leading open innovation consulting platform in Europe. Our business is to support the innovation strategies of our industrial clients with high-level expertise and proven problem-solving skills.

The Lateral Expertise Approach is the process we use for this. Combining systemic thinking, lateral thinking, and expertise for the most complex innovation challenges, this approach is appropriate for:

LEA vision

Challenge and build a shared vision.

Feed the strategic or innovation roadmaps.

Solve complex problems.

We’re committed to your privacy. PRESANS uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time. For more information, check out our Privacy Policy.

Presans Explore

The vehicle to explore and build the future of organizations and to maximize the ROI of the digital transformation.


Industrial think tank that explores the various dimensions of digital disruption and their impact on business and society.


Different levels of analysis and distribution channels to think about open organizations including articles, conferences, and events.


Consulting, coaching, intellectual sparring, and business training based on operational knowledge and a systemic method for the digital transformation.

“I am extremely satisfied and convinced of the work process brought by Presans. It has helped to arouse curiosity, shake up established ideas, and accelerate the development of a strategy based on a shared sense of the issues.”

Romain Roux, Advisor to Chief Technology Officer — Digital Transformation

“I entrusted Presans with the organization of two Learning Expeditions for executives (Norway and China). I was impressed by Presans’ ability to guarantee all the conditions necessary for us to penetrate the richness of the ecosystem and to be able to meet fascinating interlocutors. Presans is particularly distinguished by its ability to select and collaborate with local partners of high quality.”

Valérie Laugier, Vice President Digital and Innovation

Latest articles

Interview with Sandra Einerhand, former Scientific Program Director at Danone and Explorer at Presans
Interview with Sandra Einerhand, former Scientific Program Director at Danone and Explorer at Presans
Interview with Sandra Einerhand, former Scientific Program Director at Danone and Explorer at Presans

Sandra Einerhand is passionate about science and innovation and likes to assist customers by bringing their products to market more efficiently, more sustainably, with benefits based on science, and with a clear story of enduring success.

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Nutrition, ageing and Covid-19: Latest scientific insights
Nutrition, ageing and Covid-19: Latest scientific insights
Nutrition, ageing and Covid-19: Latest scientific insights

The main objective of this paper is to explore seniors’ increased vulnerability to COVID-19 in terms of the function of their aged immune system (inflammaging) and their gut microbiota imbalance, and to suggest a few ways to intervene in order to lower the risk of coronavirus infection in seniors with or without underlying disease.

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Point of view of an expert in the digital transformation
Point of view of an expert in the digital transformation
Point of view of an expert in the digital transformation

Digital transition is a risk for a sleeping company, but it is an incredible opportunity for an agile one—it opens up opportunities to reinvent the business and thus create new value.

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Our publications


by Albert Meige

This new Presans whitepaper is based on ten years worth of operational knowledge in the field of industrial innovation. It will provide you with insights on how to manage scientific and technological experts, and is structured as follows:
• Three distinct species of experts;
• Essential skills of experts;
• How companies can better leverage experts.


Évaluation du plan PEPITE en faveur de l’entrepreneuriat étudiant. Recommandations pour un passage à l’échelle

Cinq ans après sa mise en place, le plan Pépite, en faveur de l’entrepreneuriat étudiant, doit monter en puissance et gagner encore en notoriété. Ce rapport, réalisé par Albert Meige et deux inspecteurs de l’IGAENR (Inspection générale de l’administration de l’éducation nationale et de la recherche) préconise dix-huit mesures allant dans ce sens. Ces préconisations inspirent largement le plan annoncé début mai 2019 par la Ministre Frédérique Vidal.


by Albert Meige, Jacques Knight, Nicolas Chanut

In this Whitepaper, we uncover and describe :
• The three underlying trends that are disrupting value chains and traditional companies.
• The five characteristics that organizations must adopt to survive and grow.
• The Open Organization Gauge applied to few case studies.

Innovation Intelligence. Commoditization. Digitalization. Acceleration. Major Pressure on Innovation Drivers

by Albert Meige & Jacques Schmitt

To innovate, companies must combine multiple and disparate areas of knowledge outside of their core businesses, and they must do it faster and faster. Accessing knowledge and talent has never been so easy and so difficult at the same time. It is easy, because new tools facilitate the task. It is difficult, because it requires finding the needle in the haystack. The problem is that the haystack is growing and the needle must be found more and more quickly. In this book, the authors provide an up-to-date overview of recent, disruptive trends that induce changes in the way large companies deal with innovation. Special attention is given to the impact of the digital wave. The book was written after approximately 40 interviews with the Chief Technology Officers and Chief Innovation Officers of large international companies such as Airbus Group, Danone, Total, and Faurecia, among others.

A Guide to Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing: Expert Tips and Advice

edited by paul sloane

A Guide to Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing explains how to use the power of the internet to build and innovate in order to introduce a consumer democracy that has never existed before. This title covers the definition of open innovation, how to manage virtual teams and co-create with customers, how to overcome legal and IP issues and common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid.