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Books, Whitepapers and Newsletters

by Albert Meige
This new Presans whitepaper is based on ten years worth of operational knowledge in the field of industrial innovation. It will provide you with insights on how to manage scientific and technological experts, and is structured as follows:
• Three distinct species of experts;
• Essential skills of experts;
• How companies can better leverage experts.

Évaluation du plan PEPITE en faveur de l’entrepreneuriat étudiant. Recommandations pour un passage à l’échelle
Cinq ans après sa mise en place, le plan Pépite, en faveur de l’entrepreneuriat étudiant, doit monter en puissance et gagner encore en notoriété. Ce rapport, réalisé par Albert Meige et deux inspecteurs de l’IGAENR (Inspection générale de l’administration de l’éducation nationale et de la recherche) préconise dix-huit mesures allant dans ce sens. Ces préconisations inspirent largement le plan annoncé début mai 2019 par la Ministre Frédérique Vidal.

by Albert Meige, Jacques Knight, Nicolas Chanut
In this Whitepaper, we uncover and describe :
• The three underlying trends that are disrupting value chains and traditional companies.
• The five characteristics that organizations must adopt to survive and grow.
• The Open Organization Gauge applied to few case studies.

Innovation Intelligence. Commoditization. Digitalization. Acceleration. Major Pressure on Innovation Drivers
by Albert Meige & Jacques Schmitt
To innovate, companies must combine multiple and disparate areas of knowledge outside of their core businesses, and they must do it faster and faster. Accessing knowledge and talent has never been so easy and so difficult at the same time. It is easy, because new tools facilitate the task. It is difficult, because it requires finding the needle in the haystack. The problem is that the haystack is growing and the needle must be found more and more quickly. In this book, the authors provide an up-to-date overview of recent, disruptive trends that induce changes in the way large companies deal with innovation. Special attention is given to the impact of the digital wave. The book was written after approximately 40 interviews with the Chief Technology Officers and Chief Innovation Officers of large international companies such as Airbus Group, Danone, Total, and Faurecia, among others.

A Guide to Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing: Expert Tips and Advice
edited by paul sloane
A Guide to Open Innovation and Crowdsourcing explains how to use the power of the internet to build and innovate in order to introduce a consumer democracy that has never existed before. This title covers the definition of open innovation, how to manage virtual teams and co-create with customers, how to overcome legal and IP issues and common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid.